
Epi info 3.5.3
Epi info 3.5.3

The proportion of rotavirus deaths averted is estimated to be 42%. For the 20 cohorts, the vaccine is projected to prevent more than 2 million cases of rotavirus and to avert more than 8500 deaths. The cost per disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) averted, discounted at 3%, is US$ 92 from the health care provider perspective and US$ 73 from the societal perspective. Model inputs were gathered from local, national, and international sources with the guidance of a Senegalese group of experts including local pediatricians, personnel from the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, as well as disease-surveillance and laboratory specialists. The costs and health outcomes were calculated for 20 successive birth cohorts (2014–2033). TRIVAC version 2.0, an Excel-based model, was used to perform the analysis. The study was conducted using the processes and tools first established by the Pan American Health Organization's ProVac Initiative in the Latin American region. This analysis aims to provide policymakers with more consistent and reliable economic evidence to support the decision-making process about the introduction and maintenance of a rotavirus vaccine program. Along with the substantial disease burden, there is a growing awareness of the economic burden created by diarrheal disease. In Senegal, rotavirus deaths are estimated to represent 5.4% of all deaths among children under 5. Among African children hospitalized with diarrhea, 38% of the cases are due to rotavirus. Rotavirus is the leading cause of acute severe diarrhea among children under 5 globally and one of the leading causes of death attributable to diarrhea.

Epi info 3.5.3